You can contact us anytime.
By phone: 714-454-4080
By email: [email protected].
Please note that we leave the above phone line on late nights until 10PM, 7 days a week. Please don't hesitate to call day or night if pet is pain or takes turn for worse unexpectedly.
Please allow 12-24 hours for email communications to be answered. If you need immediate assistance, please call 714-454-4080.
We reply to all emails. If you emailed us and do not hear back from us within 24 hours, please check your spam folder or call us.
As our service is strictly mobile, we do not receive clients on our office premise, however, you may reach us by mail at our PO Box:
Home Pet Euthanasia of Southern California
407 West Imperial hwy Suite H #252
Brea, Ca 92821
We do everything possible to make ourselves available for you on short notice. Understandably, it is not always possible to plan a euthanasia ahead of time. Usually, 24-48 hours notice is preferable, as you will be able to plan better in terms of convenience of appointment time, and in order to avoid undue suffering for your pet, but should your pet take a turn for the worse unexpectedly, we will do everything possible to help you on short notice. Therefore, please don't hesitate to call us day or night should your pet need immediate assistance. An emergency fee may apply.