In this section, you will learn how to prepare yourself, your family and your pet for the euthanasia so that everything goes as smoothly and peacefully as possible. It is our responsibility and duty to make the event peaceful for your pet, but preparing yourself and your family mentally, emotionally and spiritually will make it easier for you. In addition to this, arranging the circumstances to make your environment conducive to a peaceful experience. will also make things easier for you. The most important thing to read is the article Preparing For The Event. In this article, we will walk you through the entire procedure step by step so that you are fully prepared.
Once you have read this article and all the related links that the article will direct you to, you will be fully prepared (you will have educated yourself on the procedure, have all your questions answered, know the fees, know what forms to fill out, handle any distractions that could interrupt you being able to focus on your baby, etc...)
In the Video section you will find a beautiful video with the wonderful story of Jolie and her family. This will prepare you for what you should expect during your pet's home euthanasia. You will also find radio interviews and other audio-visual education tools. You will find all the Forms that you will need to fill out prior to the procedure. You may print and fill out those forms ahead of time to get all the formalities of paperwork out if the way if you wish, or, if it's easier for you, these forms can be filled out at the time of the doctor's arrival. Some people find it extremely difficult to make the decision to end a pet's life. In this section, you will find answers to the question "Am I Playing God?" and it may help you to deal with the concept of taking on this huge responsibility. Should Other Pets be Present? This is a very important point to consider in a multiple pet household. What will make it easier for the other pets in the family? How can we help them acheive some closure in their own grieving process? What about children? Should Children be Present for your family pet's euthanasia? The information in this section will help you make the best decision for your family and your children.