If you are visiting our website, chances are that you started questioning whether or not it is time to let go of your pet or the time is drawing near and you want to be prepared. You probably are looking for a way to make this transition easier for your pet, to lessen his suffering, make it painless and stress free. And you are looking for a caring and compassionate way of assessing when to let go.
You love him so much... how can you make that decision? On the other hand, how can you not? The problem is that you are afraid to do your pet a great deal of wrong one way or another. How do you know if the time has come? How can you objectively assess your pet's happiness? Suffering? Pain?
You will hear from different sources different "criteria" that are NOT ACTUALLY RELIABLE. Like: "You'll know..." or "He'll tell you..." or "When he's not eating anymore..." or "When he can't get up anymore..." If you rely on these, to say the least, unreliable indicators, you can inadvertently let your pet suffer more than you can ever guess. Animals are very resillient and they hide their suffering and pain instinctively. So by the time they show symptoms, by the time they stop eating, by the time you "see it in their eyes", they have advanced very far in their suffering.
So how do you know? This is what you will learn in this section.