So now we want to honor our baby with her story so others can know the joy and unending love she brought to our family and friends for all the years we were blessed to have her.

Our sweetheart Snickers was the light of our family’s lives. She helped us heal from the loss of our first beloved corgi Sugar Bear, who we lost shortly before Snickers joined our family. When we brought her home in 2005, we fell in love immediately with her sweet, stubborn, playful, and silly personality. From that day on, she gave us the most unconditional love that will be with us forever. Throughout her life we loved watching Snickers “fly” like Superman off of our kitchen steps, perform her zoomies over and over around our family room, bury all of the toys we would get her (if she didn’t destroy them before taking them outside), taking her for “walks” that meant she would sprint out the door for a few blocks and then lay down so that you had to carry her home, taking her to Corgi Beach Day, taking her anywhere and always being bombarded with people who wanted to pet her and tell her how cute she is, and never knowing if she would be sleeping in/under her siblings beds (sometimes making them sleep on the floor because she took up all the space) or under her parents bed. Every time we would come home we would be greeted with an abundance of joy from Snickers who would dance around in circles of excitement to see us. And we would leave, she would whimper and give us the saddest puppy-dog face forcing us to keep coming back to say another goodbye. She loved being cuddled and receiving millions of kisses. In her later years, her body couldn’t keep up this energy anymore, but she still always sought after those belly scratches and love from her family. And most importantly, she NEVER lost that sweet, loving smile that warmed all of our hearts. Even in her last breaths, that amazingly beautiful smile was still there.
With love,
Sue and Emily Morenz