I really can't thank you enough for your service. =) You're doing a wonderful thing for people, and it's really inspiring what you're doing. =) Thank you again, Dr. Forslund! I hope your business flourishes!
I miss my baby but I have come to terms that she is in a better place now and she no longer has to suffer with her old age. We will meet again one day. =) It's a happy ending she got to leave me in my arms with the comforting feeling of love and support...
On September 5th, I noticed my 14 and 1/2 year old baby, Princess, was weaker than ever. I'm sure many of you know what I mean when I say that it was more than just a "man's best friend" kind of bond. When a dog comes in to our lives for such a long time, they become our family. Princess was my best friend. She had been with me since I was 10. I am now 25. On days where I was home alone at age 10, she was the one who kept me company and sane on all levels.
We've come to have such a spiritual bond that she understood me when I spoke to her. I'm sure I'm not the only one to feel this way! But on the night of 9/5, we looked at each other, almost as if we reasurred each other that it was time to part ways and that it was okay... She had severe arthritis, mammarian cancer, blindness, and deafness. Although she was alive, her quality of life had deteriorated severely in the past year due to both eyes going blind and both ears going deaf. On top of that, her arthritis had gotten so bad that on 9/5, she could barely pick herself up to walk because her bones were so stiff. Although I knew of these conditions, it still wasn't easy to make the decision to end her life...
I could not have done it without her approval. And I knew she was ready because of how she reacted to me when I got home that night. I had told her that I made up my mind that the next day, she'd have to enroll in doggy heaven. She stopped looking at me while I spoke of it and started whimpering. But she stood by my side and let me know that it was okay and that she was just sad to part ways...
Coming from a traditional asian home, I was encouraged to just take her to the vet and let her go. But I couldn't fathom having fear as my baby's last feeling. I spent all night researching places that would euthanize pets at the comfort of their home. I called Home Pet Euthanasia first thing at 9am the next morning to set up an appointment. They were able to take me that day at 12pm.
Being that I was trying to have the process done right, I asked a lot of questions. I didn't want my dog to be treated, well, like a dog. I wanted her to be treated with the dignity and respect she deserved. Todd was the one who helped me when I called. He walked me through the process and ensured me that the dogs are treated with diginity, they aren't just thrown around like a sand bag. They actually freeze the dogs as if they were humans before they get picked up to get cremated. I was asking Todd plenty of questions to ensure I was going with the right decision with the right place. I couldn't have asked for a better service from Home Pet Euthanasia!
Dr. Meg arrived a little early (around 11:45). Todd had instructed me to complete the paper work prior to the doctor arriving so that would give me more time to focus on what was going on rather than paper work at that time. Princess didn't want Dr. Meg to touch her legs as they were in pain so we had to sedate her first. The greatest part about all this was that Princess was in the comfort of my arms. Dr. Meg let us say our goodbyes prior to the sedation as it would be the last time she'd be conscious. :'( After we said our goodbyes, Dr. Meg inserted the catheter in Princess and she left my arms peacefully within seconds... I don't think I could have made a better decision. She was given to me at 3 months old in my arms, and it was my pleasure to send her off to heaven at 14&1/2 in my arms... After she had left us, Dr. Meg gave us some privacy in which she went back to her car to wait till we were ready to let Princess go. After spending some time with Princess, I then carried her lifeless body to the car and watched her leave my home forever.
I love that Home Pet Euthanasia is so caring. You can really sense the genuity of the staff. After 2 days, they even called to see how we were holding up. After a week, we received Princess' death certificate which I thought was really cute! Princess came home after 2 weeks and is now safe and sound in our backyard.
All in all, this process was not easy, but having such a caring service really put my mind at ease and my heart at peace. I know I did the right thing and I'm so glad Princess felt love, compassion, and comfort her last hour on earth with us.
Thank you, Dr. Forslund for having such a caring and wonderful staff! I couldn't thank you enough and I would recommend this place to anyone who is in need of this service.