You and your entire team are true Angels! You cannot go wrong with this service. It has helped our entire household grieve and recover from such a huge loss of our Tango. You and your staff helped us through immensely and we cannot thank you enough. Dr Lily was totally amazing, created incredible peace, validated and coached us through the entire experience and allowed for the perfectly calm environment in our home. I have told my vet about your services, all of my clients and ANYONE I know who is pet owner about what Angels you all are.
Tango’s companion for his entire life was able to be a part of the evening and she has only improved in her demeanor afterwards, since she knows her younger mate has journeyed on. Tango, you are with us always. Tears still flow at times, but we are so grateful to have his sister Chilly (who is doing fantastic) as a true gift of comfort during this time. I’ll admit this has been a huge loss for our family and house. Weeks of uncontrolled tears and grieving have been very very necessary.
With best regards,