Thank you for allowing us to say goodbye to our dear girl in the comfort of our hotel room. The work you do is so important. I am sure that there are many people, despite their profound gratitude, who find it difficult to see through their pain to follow-up with you. I know it has taken me a great deal of time. Thank you again for the good, loving work you do. I was so grateful to find you on Yelp, and even more grateful to get such a quick response.
I am long over-due in sending you a note of gratitude for your assistance with the passing of my dear Lucy in October of 2013. Dr. Dior who assisted us was a lovely woman who treated all of us with great respect and gentleness.
Lucy had always loved the beach, so we planned to stay at Huntington Dog Beach for a day or two... well, she was positively re-energized and we were all having so much fun that we just stayed... and stayed... we stayed for three weeks!!! I figured that this stay cost way less than the chemo treatments and was much more therapeutic. We knew that Lucy was nearing the end of her life. After a year long battle with urinary tract cancer, she had stopped responding to chemo.
Sherene Offutt